21 January, 2022

Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS): A New Era of Road Safety

Most people are well aware that car travel comes with a risk. Each year approximately 1.35 million people are killed in car crashes, and even more are seriously injured. The harsh reality is that getting into a car is one of the most dangerous things many of us continue to do on a daily basis.

Keeping this in mind, it can be hard to understand how there are car manufacturers who still hesitate to invest in the technology that could keep their cars out of the worst road injury statistics. But give it just a couple years, and we will be looking at a very different situation; the reason for that is Euro NCAP, the European New Car Assessment Programme that tests and rates vehicles based on their safety performance.

In September 2017, Euro NCAP announced that the upcoming update to their new car assessment protocol would reward points for advanced Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS). Basic DMS systems look at the indirect driving symptoms of driver distraction and drowsiness, like lane swerving, acceleration, and steering wheel hand sensors. However, with the emergence of L2 vehicles, with automated lane centering and adaptive cruise control, automakers can no longer rely on these secondary signals.

Euro NCAP has realized this new blind spot and will score vehicles with advanced DMS the highest. Since then, the automotive industry has been encouraged to move into a higher gear when it comes to the implementation of Driver Monitoring Systems.

But what exactly is Euro NCAP? And how will their next assessment protocol affect the construction of practically every new car model put on our roads? Download our latest e-book, where we will answer some of the most common questions surrounding Euro NCAP and their initiative on Driver Monitoring.


Download — eBook: Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS) The Next Seatbelt


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