With an eye on saving lives
At Smart Eye, we aim to build a sustainable business culture where we take responsibility for all activities linked to our operations and act according to business ethics. We believe that a sustainable business not only contributes to Smart Eye’s performance but also a better society.
Smart Eye is committed to the UN Global Compact’s 10 Principles and international legislation, conventions, and principles, such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. We are also committed to contributing to the 17 Global Sustainability Development Goals. Our main contributions align with the following goals:
Sustainable operations are ensured by our company’s core values and Smart Eye’s sustainability framework consisting of group policies and processes, organizational responsibilities, and goals with targets to be monitored.
To be a credible partner to customers, employees, and the rest of society, we act responsibly by ethics, law, and data privacy, and request the same high standard of our partners and suppliers.
Our commitment to responsible innovationSmart Eyes’s success, innovation, and competitive advantage are based on our people. We offer a learning focused and inclusive organization that attracts and keeps motivated employees, proud of our impact and progress.
Our commitment to peopleIt is important to us that we continuously reduce our environmental footprint. Smart Eye’s total impact on the environment is small. However, we are convinced that everyone must contribute to the environment and climate-related hazards, which we believe is one of the great challenges of our time.
Our commitment to the environment
Smart Eye is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards. We act and do business based on ethical principles such as high integrity, honesty, and good judgement. Smart Eye’s Code of Conduct clarifies our position on ethics and customer privacy as well as zero tolerance for corruption and discrimination. Any concerns about Smart Eye’s deviations from policies and rules and other irregularities can be anonymously reported by employees and the public via a whistleblower function accessible on Smart Eye’s website.
Predominantly, data is stored with customers. In some instances, and for a limited amount of time, data is stored and managed with Smart Eye and is then deleted according to clear processes. Personal privacy is always carefully handled according to laws and regulations.
Smart Eye’s software captures anonymous data on human behavior and processes this in real time. Even though Smart Eye does not store sensitive information, there is a risk that its software can be used for profiling or manipulating people, consequently breaching human rights.
Smart Eye advocates for the use of its technology for safe and sustainable purposes. Business is regularly judged based on international embargoes.
As a developer of human-centric software that is built using machine learning, Smart Eye strives for inclusion and reducing discrimination and injustice due to algorithmic and data bias. Thanks to a very large and diverse database, with data from over 90 countries, Smart Eye can train and validate its software to minimize bias and be mindful of how human behavior differs across cultures and contexts.
All Smart Eye’s business dealings are transparently performed and accurately reflected in the company records. Financial reporting and accounting are reported in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and accounting practices. In 2022, no incidents of corruption or any other violations of rules were reported via the whistleblower function or internally.
Predominantly, our operation is based on Smart Eye’s software, developed with a few research collaborations with clients, academia, and industry groups. We also deliver hardware, based on components sourced from world-leading tech partners and assembled by local suppliers in Sweden and China. Smart Eye subsidiary iMotions, resells sensors from recommended partners.
In addition, Smart Eye purchases services from local consultants. Suppliers and partners have been selected based on quality and previous collaborations. To ensure a sustainable value chain, we expect our partners and suppliers to comply with the same sustainability principles regarding the environment, people including human rights, and business ethics according to our Code of Conduct.
Diversity among employees and an inclusive business culture are assets to Smart Eye. It fuels innovation and adds a perspective that facilitates a better understanding of changes around us. At the end of 2022, Smart Eye engaged 274 employees and 26 full-time consultants based in Sweden, the US, the UK, Germany, Denmark, Egypt, China, and Japan.
We are continuously striving to improve gender balance supported by recruitment processes that ensure diverse candidate pools, cultivating a gender-balanced leadership, and monitoring gender balance in occupation groups compared with industry benchmarks. Inclusion and a safe workplace are ensured by a respectful work culture based on our company values and Smart Eye’s zero-tolerance and action programs against discrimination in the workplace. In 2022, there were no cases of discrimination reported.
As an innovative technology company, cooperation between teams and various country organizations is key to our future success. Smart Eye takes pride in being a learning-focused organization where employees are encouraged to seek solutions among colleagues. Many of our employees have a background in computer science, several with postgraduate studies. Talent is attracted by the opportunity to contribute to pioneering innovations alongside highly qualified colleagues. Motivated employees are key to an innovative company.
Smart Eye’s values of friendliness, competence, and balance are fundamental for a working environment that allows open communication and cooperation. Motivation is regularly checked in employee surveys and interviews, which also address opportunities for the individual to influence their work situation and any issues related to well-being and working conditions. Regular performance and career development reviews are held with employees globally.
Smart Eye’s major environmental impact consists primarily of internal energy consumption at our sites, energy used in our software development, hardware production, data, and IT systems, and emissions from business travel. In line with our Code of Conduct, we strive to use green energy sources for our energy consumption, and we take the initiative to hold meetings digitally when face-to-face meetings are not necessary.
Smart Eye’s international operations entail some business travel by air, as customer meetings, exhibitions, and fairs are an important part of our business. Components for Smart Eye’s Applied AI Systems and Research Instruments products are sourced mainly in China and Taiwan, and assembled in China and Sweden. Emissions from shipping are limited due to small sizes and production numbers. Any hardware shipped to customers will eventually reach its end of life. Smart Eye encourages the recycling of all hardware.
The sustainability initiative started in 2022 with a framework, processes and targets that will be followed by implementing several actions and procedures in 2023 and beyond. As sustainability is an area of constant efforts and improvements, we will monitor our sustainability progress closely and if necessary, validate and update our work.
Learn more about sustainability at Smart Eye in our 2022 Annual Report
Smart Eye is committed to conducting business ethically, honestly, and with integrity. Our supplier code of conduct reflects our approach to ensuring the highest standards of responsible business conduct and ethics in global operations. Smart Eye expects suppliers to understand, align, and commit to these values and principles. This includes compliance with local laws and regulations, internationally recognized human rights, and alignment of their business practices with the following supplier code of conduct across the four pillars of responsible sourcing: